There is no need to postpone adding a chat because it does not require the allocation of development resources and allows you to serve customers more conveniently from tomorrow! It is enough for the webmaster to add a pixel (usually it takes 1 minute). Similarly, many are already connected to Facebook, for example. When the new online store is ready, you can add a chat to it as well.

Yes, there are currently no restrictions on storing chats. As the number of customers and conversations grows rapidly, we may offer a separate package to preserve extended history.

In the chat settings, you can set and change the times that the customer sees in the chat window in your e-shop at any time.

In most cases, our customers have service times via chat from 9.00 to 17.00

The monthly fee starts at as low as 39 euro/month. Check for full pricing here.

We see that 10-30% of conversations take place with clients whose mother tongue is foreign. We can identify the client's native language and provide real-time translation in both directions. It is a much more comfortable and pleasant experience for the customer. Imagine that you can get service from the German e-shop in Estonian 🙂

Your e-shop does not have to be multilingual. Estonian e-shops serve customers in an average of 5 languages through our chat. In total, our solution detects 140 languages.

You don't have to worry about that. If you are interested, we can share statistics with you on how many and which languages visit your e-shop.

Yes, clients' emails can currently be translated using the same technology through the TranslateWise translation platform. This has been asked a lot, so in the future, we plan to connect the chat and the translation platform so that letters and other materials can be translated comfortably in the same environment.

We will introduce this possibility in the near future. All inquiries and requests regarding features are very welcome to us. You can send them to us at sandra (at) translatewise.com

Yes, don't like most of them either! Currently, our solution is not consciously configurable for automated responses and is targeted at e-commerce stores who want to serve customers. According to customer research, people don't like bots and robots. There are very few e-shops that have been able to make these work well. That's why we focus on customer-centric service.

In the future, we will be further developing chat calling and emailing directly from the chat during off-hours customer support.

When a question is received or a new conversation begins, you can decide who will answer it. You can also change this option during a conversation by directing it to your colleague.

In order to be forwarded, you need to add a team in the chat settings, ie the email addresses of the people to whom conversations can be forwarded and who would be ready to reply.

The faster you can respond to a customer, be it by email, phone or chat, the greater their satisfaction level and loyalty. Usually answered within 5 minutes is ideal. However, often 15-30 minutes later, leaving the answer in the chat is very useful, because in the meantime the customer dealt with other things and returned to the e-shop an hour later to read the answer.

All replies are saved in the chat.

Our chat has integrated leading neural machine translation technologies that you can turn on if needed. We only use paid translation technologies.

Compared to Facebook Messenger, we are much more customer-friendly. We enable you to identify the client's language, offer service in different languages and manage conversations much more efficiently with the entire team. FB chat in your e-shop is in English only and does not allow routing within the team.

Great that you've been thinking about chat. Of course, this is a rather long and complicated process, which often results in equivalent solutions on the market, which you can immediately implement with a much smaller budget. We recommend that you try some solutions and, if necessary, give feedback to your service provider about the features you want (if they are missing). We are developing several functions in close cooperation with our customers, based on their needs.

You can already see our solution in many large e-shops as well as many smaller ones. We update the chat functionality every week and are constantly adding more features. Join us and we will work together to develop the best customer support solution!